Ethics – One Step Away

When it comes to ethical violations (for attorneys or adjusters), the biggest risk may be in that first step away from the Oath of Admissions or Code of Ethics – the first step over the line. In this very interactive webinar, Lunch and Learn With Tim exams six (6) provisions in the Oath and in…

Expert Witnesses (§ 90.702) – What Do We Need to Know Now?

(Recorded on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 12:00) Since 2013, Florida has struggled with the issue of expert witnesses – what should be the standard for their testimony: Frye or Daubert? Is “opinion testimony” in or out? In October 2018, the Florida Supreme Court “decided” the issue, once and for all. Then, in May 2019,…

Intoxication/Drug-Free Workplace” Defenses: A Sobering Analysis

Intoxication/Drug-Free Workplace” Defenses: A Sobering Analysis – Mar 31, 2023 at noon. For attorneys, adjusters, and paralegals. Did you know that in Florida’s workers’ compensation claims, there are two (2) different bases for denying a claim when an employee tests positive for drugs or alcohol following an accident? Do you know what the E/C/SA must…

Mediation in Workers’ Compensation Cases: Are You Really Ready?

Workers’ compensation mediation is an experience unlike any other – so many types, so many terms, so many players, and so many tangent considerations! Successfully preparing for and attending mediation is truly not as easy as it looks. Thus, it begs the question – “Are you really ready?” Lunch and Learn With Tim’s newest webinar…

Medical Marijuana: Employee Rights v. Employer Rights

Just a few years ago, Florida voters passed Amendment 2 – Medical Use of Marijuana. The state legislature then enacted § 381.986 (2017), creating a system for those in Florida to obtain medically prescribed marijuana. For employees and employers in Florida, where do this law leave us? This topical webinar from Lunch and Learn With…

Precisely Calculation the Average Weekly Wage

Precisely Calculation the Average Weekly Wage – June 30, 2023 at noon. For attorneys, adjusters, and paralegals. Wage (indemnity) benefits paid to workers injured on the job and covered by Florida’s workers’ compensation system begin with a proper and accurate “average weekly wage.” But – what exactly are “wages?” And how is an “average” calculated…

Shield or Sieve? Employer Tort Immunity and Workers’ Compensation Exclusivity

Since 1935 (Florida’s inception of workers’ compensation), employers have enjoyed a statutory exclusivity of liability (§ 440.11) with their employees – if workers’ compensation benefits are provided, the employer shall not be liable to employees in tort. Throughout the decades, though, one exception after another evolved, eroding what initially appeared to be an impenetrable “shield”…

Show Me the Money – Precisely Calculating the Average Weekly Wage

June 26, 2020, at noon. Wage (indemnity) benefits paid to workers injured on the job and covered by Florida’s workers’ compensation system begin with a proper and accurate “average weekly wage.”  But – what exactly are “wages?”  And how is an “average” calculated when employees are compensated in such innumerable ways and have worked for…

Testimony by Experts (§ 90.702) – Going Forward in Reverse?

Arguably the most complicated area of evidence involves the testimony of experts under § 90.702, F.S. Before substantively guiding an expert’s testimony, an attorney must first maneuverer procedurally so that the expert’s testimony is even admissible. Florida law has changed much, and changed quickly in this area – from Frye testimony to Daubert – and…

The Workers’ Compensation “One-Time Change” – Time for a Second Look

Friday, September 27, 2019 at 12:00! Even though Florida’s workers’ compensation claimants have had the statutory right for a “one-time change” in treating physicians since 2001, nearly twenty years of case law show us that we do not know all that we may need to know in this nuanced area of the law. This Lunch…

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