The Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations: Examining Swiss Cheese – Part 2

The Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations: Examining Swiss Cheese – Part 2 – September 21, 2020, at noon. Like most affirmative defenses, Florida law involving the workers’ compensation Statute of Limitations (§ 440.19) comes with holes. Lots of holes. Like Swiss Cheese. Do you know how the defense should be raised and maintained? Do you…

The Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations: Examining Swiss Cheese – Part I

The Workers’ Compensation Statute of Limitations: Examining Swiss Cheese – Part I – August 21, 2020, at noon. Like most affirmative defenses, Florida law involving the workers’ compensation Statute of Limitations (§ 440.19) comes with holes. Lots of holes. Like Swiss Cheese. Do you know how the defense should be raised and maintained? Do you…

Un-Friendly: Social Media and Judicial Recusal

While judges are people, too, because they are judges there are naturally limits placed on them so that litigants and attorneys can be assured that their cases will be heard by a neutral arbiter. Limits on judicial involvement in social media is a growing area of concern. What a judge says in Facebook posts or…

Understanding “Light Duty” – Employee and Employer Rights

“Light duty” – the term conjures up more questions than answers for human resource managers, employees, adjusters, and attorneys. For example: Urban myth or truth - an employee on workers’ compensation can’t be fired? Be confused no more! This latest webinar from Lunch and Learn With Tim provides the legal framework for the when and…

Vendors Billing Workers’ Compensation Claimants: Now – A Solution!

Vendors Billing Workers’ Compensation Claimants: Now – A Solution! – Friday, November 18, 2022 at noon. So frequently, health care providers send their billing directly to a workers’ compensation claimant, seeking or demanding payment, sometimes to the point of collection action. However, the Florida Workers’ Compensation Law (WCL) mandates that claimants shall not be liable…

Webinar: First Responders and Workers’ Compensation: The 2018 Amendments

For those who handle first responder workers’ compensation cases, are you ready for October 1, 2018? The Florida law addressing benefits for first responders (§ 112.1815) underwent substantial changes that will take effect in just a few weeks. This new webinar from Lunch and Learn With Tim timely prepares you for what comes next: from…

Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits Lab – Actually Doing the Calculations

Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits Lab – Actually Doing the Calculations – Friday, January 13, 2022 at noon. Very few benefits in the workers’ compensation system are complicated with emotion as are death benefits under s. 440.16, F.S. Just like some courses in school that have a “lecture” component (to learn concepts) and a lab portion…

Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits: Mastering Legal Concepts and Economic Principles

Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits: Mastering Legal Concepts and Economic Principles – Friday, June 24 27, 2022 at noon. Very few benefits in the workers’ compensation system are complicated with emotion as are death benefits under s. 440.16, F.S. And, to challenge us further, in today’s world of fluid relationships, who is (statutorily) a “dependent” has…

“Arising Out Of” – What Does it Mean Any More?

“Arising Out Of” – What Does it Mean Any More? – March 25, 2022 at noon. Since 1935, for workers’ compensation accidents to be compensable (covered under the Act), they must “arise out of” employment. Simple, right? And after all these years, we know what this core phrase means. Right? Ummm, apparently, no – we…

“Disability” – Grasping This Elusive Word

“Disability” – Grasping This Elusive Word – Nov 17, 2023 at noon. There is probably no more misunderstood – yet essential – worker’s compensation term as “disability.” The confusion stems from convolution of the two (2) elements within the statutory definition. Lunch and Learn with Tim’s new webinar provides a clear and practical legal understanding…

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